Privacy Policy

Collection of personal information

TxnDuck does not collect or store any personal information (name, email address, etc.) or any diagnostic data. It does not log any usage information. It does not use any third-party analytics or advertising platforms.

Storage of application state data

All of txnDuck’s application state data (temporary transaction data, user preferences, selected language, etc.) is stored only your device. TxnDuck will never transmit any of the application state data to anywhere outside your device without your permission.

Wallet account and private keys

TxnDuck will never directly collect or store any of your private keys or passphrases. Instead, txnDuck uses a wallet service, such as WalletConnect or Pera Connect, to connect to your wallet account without accessing your private key(s). This means txnDuck cannot and will not access your funds or your assets without your explicit permission, which you grant through a wallet application, such as Pera and Defly.